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We enjoy building community among our followers and sharing media related to our work. Follow us on Instagram @LankaElephants to catch up with us in the field.

Community-based conservation

Our work is inspired by the human communities that live alongside elephants and other wildlife in Sri Lanka. Take a look at a video produced by the SLEP team for schoolchildren. Video narration is in Sinhala.

Field guide:
The Elephants of Sri Lanka

We created this field guide for tourists visiting and tour operators working in Sri Lanka. The guide educates readers about how our team identifies individual elephants in the field and encourages responsible wildlife viewing. The guide is currently available in English and Sinhala.

Illustrations by Cliff Casey, design by Marcel Martinez Vargas and Autumn Heigle.

The Elephants of Sri Lanka by The Sri Lanka Elephant Project is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

English version (3.8MB)

Sinhala version (3.9MB)

Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom: The Podcast

Tune into the Wild Kingdom Podcast to listen to SLEP’s Executive Director, Dr. Chase LaDue, discuss his journey to working with elephants, the importance of zoos for wildlife conservation, and fostering coexistence between humans and elephants.

Available to stream on YouTube or wherever you listen to podcasts.